Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27th Aerial video footage

Excellent helicopter footage of the plant since the aquaberm broke.  Thank you Mary Greely for getting this posted.

A quick word, you can see that the berm around the switchyard looks very good.  The rest of it, well it's hard to believe there isn't knee-deep water in all those buildings.

But I encourage you to read my previous post with the elevations of protection to critical gear.  It's important to realize that although it seems some powerful people screwed up and should have planned better, and although we were not told enough soon enough about this plant, details are starting to emerge.  And we have no choice but to hope the provisions hold out if we value our lives and this great land we live in.  When the water clears, the debate about decommissioning should no doubt begin.  But for now, learn the crucial details and please hope the best for us that live near this plant and everyone along Missouri.

Helicopter footage:

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been blogging about Fort Calhoun and Cooper station at for several days now as I had a feeling in my gut they weren't telling us the full story,especially now that the AquaDam collapsed basically right after the head of the NRC was there. Also troubling was the initial coverage in Reuters was written  by Reuters journalist, Naveen Arul, based in India & the AP saturation of all coverage. The video, Bulletin for the Atomic Scientists write up, and NYT were a few of the first sources that woke me up + the original footage from the flooded river.
    My friend's professor here in VT is writing as book how poorly managed the NRC is. VT legislature was just were -sued- by the power company Entergy runing VT Yankee plant,based in Lousiana. The lawsuit is for ordering VT Yankee closed (has been leaking not only tritium,but the worse stuff cesium). Vermont is the only state that has the right to do this,which is why Entergy thinks it can win the suit
    Also some interesting stuff on the Nebraska City Station,video shows- major work- done by the seat of the pants by the NPPD -& none of the MSM picked it up!
