Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to monitor the 5 Missouri Dams

Here is how to get a personal sense of what the waters are doing on the Missouri:

There are 5 dams (with 5 reservoirs above them) on the Missouri between the mountains in Montana, and the final Gavin's point dam in Yankton South Dakota, on the border with Nebraska.  Luckily we can see how much water is in each resevoir with this website:


An examination of these levels show that the level of snowfall runoff is decreasing, all the way up at the Fort Peck resevoir.  The Garrison damn on Lake Sakakawea is the resevoir that was so overfilled that this whole thing had to start.  And as of today the trend is downward, just barely, through all the dams except Fort Randall.  We need to give it a few days, but this is very good.

Gavins Point is the final choke point, and really it has the final say on how much water hits Fort Calhoun.  Currently it is releasing 160,000 cfps.  They can release alot more through the gates, but lets hope they can hold at this level for a while.  An increase means deeper water for the Nuclear plants to deal with.

There have been reports that Gavins Point is cracking, and even that the Army has planted explosives on it to cut loose part of the damn so the whole thing won't fail.  But this is unsubstantiated.  It is the rant of a man in a ridiculous American flag with constitution words or something-Polo Shirt, on internet.  He heard it through a friend of a friend.  I don't know why they would blow it when they could just open the gates more, but then I don't dress like that.

I won't bother putting his video here until I hear more.  But you can easily look it up on Youtube.


  1. Have any of the latest articles & info etc on the situation at Ft.Calhoun? I read something about someone getting burnt?

  2. Echoes, I missed this. From what i've read it was a worker adding more gas to a engine powered pump. This would be a pump for pumping river water out of some area. They said it was just the security building that this pump serviced. I found it odd that he was flown to Lincoln instead of Omaha, but maybe that's where the good burn unit is.
